Get Involved

Often, the reason a child enters the child welfare system is due to neglect. Engaging with vulnerable families to address needs helps to prevent CPS involvement. Supporting family structures to keep children in their family of origin ensures better outcomes for the child.
Support a vulnerable family through Together for Good.
Help meet material needs to keep a child out of foster care through CarePortal.
Host or attend a TBRI or caregiver training through MCH Family Outreach Waco.
Host a holiday or school supply drive through Nightlight Christian Adoptions.

Teens Aging Out
At 18, teens can choose to extend foster care until age 21 or leave. 40% of those who age out are homeless in the first year. 66% are incarcerated in the first year. 70% are pregnant by their 21st birthday. Long-term relationships are required to change the future of aged-out teens.
Become a mentor.
Foster homes are desperately needed for this age group.
Help youth who are aging out and need guidance to obtain drivers licenses, housing, employment, etc.
Become a CASA to older youth and help them launch into independence.
Organize birthday gifts, outings, and gift card drives through DFPS.
Support the Foster Youth Support Group.
Family Preservation
Over 70% of children in care will return to their biological families. After ensuring safety, the State's top priority is to return children to their biological families. Biological families need more support than what the State requires to break cycles of abuse, poverty, addiction, etc.
Become a Court Appointed Special Advocate through CASA of McLennan County.
Connect a foster/adoptive or biological family to MCH Family Outreach services.
Help meet tangible needs through CarePortal.
Help Foster Village make Welcome Packs for kinship placements and reunifying families.
Participate in holiday or school supply drives through Arrow.
Donate family game or movie night baskets to MCH Family Outreach to celebrate families participating in services.
Become a host family or parent advocate through Together for Good.
Help a kinship placement become certified through any placing agency.

Supporting Roles
The local community has many ways to support without fostering. Providing meals, volunteering as a CASA, respite babysitting, donation drives, etc., are all ways to support families in this space. Isolation is often a family's first and most problematic response when they are in crisis with a child.
Provide meals to children and youth who are awaiting placement and staying in hotels through DFPS.
Host a Foster Village Parent's Night Out at your church.
Start a meal train for a new foster family through Arrow, CK Family Services, Nightlight Christian Adoptions, or St. Francis.
Volunteer to help with childcare for Parent's Night Out with FosterVillage Waco.
Sponsor a meal for monthly Support Gatherings or Parents’ Night Out events through Foster Village Waco.
Help with Caseworker Appreciation, donation drives, landscaping, or providing a meal at Isaiah 117 House.
Become a foster care certified babysitter through Fostering Hope.
Become a respite caregiver through and child placing agency.
345 children in McLennan County are in Foster Care. Foster Homes are most needed for children 6 years old and over and sibling groups. The average foster family burns out after 12 months due to lack of preparation or support. Moving and inconsistent care can cause more trauma in a child than the original abusive environment.
Volunteer through Foster Village Waco to create Welcome Packs for new placements, hot meals to new families, or help with Sorting Day.
Host a toy, shoe, clothing, etc., drive for Foster Village Waco or the Rainbow Room (DFPS).
Join a Caregiver Volunteer Team at Isaiah 117 House to assist children while they await placement.
Become a Court Appointed Special Advocate through CASA of McLennan County.
Become a certified babysitter or respite caregiver through any placing agency.
Participate in a holiday or school supply drive through Circles of Care.
Host an informational session at your place of employment, congregation or community group.

Minority ethnic group children over age 2 are more likely to age out of the system than be adopted. Adoption from the foster care system costs little to nothing. All children will have trauma, but they can reach dramatic levels of healing with trauma-informed parenting.
Connect with any of our local adoption agencies:
Start a meal train for a family in your community who recently adopted a child(ren).
Host a Heart Gallery exhibit through Heart Gallery of Central Texas.
Connect adoptive families to MCH Family Outreach services including adoption support groups, trainings and family support.
Engagement Opportunities
As an organization, we know we have a big mission to fulfill in Central Texas and we can't do it without the support of the local communities. That means we need YOU to continue the foster care movement! There are so many ways for your group, church, business or organization to get involved. Let us help facilitate that process.
Check out these possibilities:
We can have an information table at your event or gathering
Let us host a lunch & learn at your next all-staff meeting
Allow us to present at your next team meeting
We can host a mini information session on foster care and adoption almost anywhere
Consider serving on a Board of Directors for one of our partner agencies
Encourage your faith community to participate in Fostering Hope's Ministry Advocacy Team Training